The Cause and Effect Dynamic between Creativity and Ignorance

Sebastian Scholl
2 min readFeb 29, 2024
Photo by Dragos Gontariu on Unsplash

Creativity requires imagination. Imagining, in part, requires an acknowledgement of the unknown. This contention between an individual's imagination and the unknown occurs as a consequence of ignorance. Without ignorance, a person wouldn't need to employ their creative mind. Instead, they would simply know.

With this in mind, ignorance is the muse of all thought. Only after acknowledging some form of ignorance is a person inspired to think. Thinking itself serves in overcoming man's frequent delima of not knowing - human ignorance.

As a thought experiment, solve for 12 x 19. Most likely, you start by imagining tools available for solving the problem, creatively employ one or more of those tools, and eventually arrive at an answer. That process happens precisely because you do not know the answer.

Now, solve for 2 + 2. Most likely, you performed no calculation whatsoever and simply arrived at the answer 4. This exemplifies how imagination and creativity get circumvented in the face of embedded knowledge (whether real or perceived).

If we accept this idea that ignorance precedes imagination and creativity, then it's easy to acknowledge a negative consequences that may result from the ever increasing integration of certain technologies in human thought processes.

